Strong Conservative Values for a brighter Pennsylvania

In 2024, Latinos help send Donald J Trump, Dave McCormick, Rob Bresnahan and Ryan Mackenzie to Washginton DC. Now it’s time to help ensure PA stays Red for future generations.

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Voter Info

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Together We Lead

Latino voters throughout the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania have been leaving the party in droves. Since 2016, the election of President Donald J Trump, conservative Latino families, business owners and voters have felt marginalized by the Democratic party.

Early in 2024, The Conservative Latinos PA formed to help the RED WAVE in Pennsylvania. Hosting fundraisers and meet and greets for statewide candidates, Treasurer Stacy Garrity, Attorney General Dave Sunday and Auditor General Tim Defoor. While we are excited are efforts led to victory, our mission is not complete.

Our goal is to help turn PA ruby red similar Ohio and Florida – but we need your help and support!

Become a Partner

Join these grassroot organizations and elected officials as we pave the way for future generations.